
Showing posts from October, 2019

Learn Linear Regression in Tensorflow in Python with me

Hello there, We are gonna learn to make a simple Linear Regression Model in python using tensorflow, it more simple than you think, we'll understand each and every step, it's pretty fun, so be with me. What will you need before going ahead : What is Linear Regression ?   Introduction to Tensorflow and as always patience Linear Regression as I understand : We know the equation of line goes something like this  y = Wx + b ,                          where W = slope                                     b  = y-intercept so if we have some x's and y's known as the data, and we want to predict what will be the next y given any x, it's called linear regression. here we do that by initially assigning random values for m and b, so that formula will give you some random values initially. using this random m,b formula we can calculate our guess-y. now question is how to make this formula accurate as per our data, such that it will predict the